“I need to read that”

I. Last night my father and I watched Mulholland Drive together. Afterwards, standing at opposing ends of the kitchen, we fell into a conversation regarding the extent of interpretation one can carry out in regards to the film; and later in the conversation, in regards to paintings and literature. I’m not the biggest cheerleader for… Continue reading “I need to read that”

last night i finished reading ‘the master and margarita’ for the first time

and  i've immediately come up with a project for myself. which is good and bad because it involves Crime and Punishment and Faust but in the way that it seems you cannot write about one book without writing about seven. The list of texts I'll have to discuss so far are: Goethe's Faust, Crime and Punishment, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Doctor Faustus, and The… Continue reading last night i finished reading ‘the master and margarita’ for the first time